This year was an interesting one for photography as I've had many ups and downs. I feel as though I am refining my vision in many areas, starting with how I photograph in the field, to how I process my photos.
When narrowing down my selection of favorite photos I was fairly quick to remove the grand scenics from the top list. When reviewing all my final edits in Lightroom I initially selected these grand scenics because they grabbed my attention, the bold scenes jumped out and said “look at me!”. Upon further examination I began to lose interest in them and was continually drawn back to these more intimate scenes.
I become enveloped in these scenes, I could examine them for hours, whereas the ultra-wide scenes with dramatic skies only hold my attention for moments. These hold great meaning to me and speak to something deeper in my psyche, I don’t even necessarily know what this is, but I hope it comes across to the viewer.
Some interesting tidbits about these images; nine were taken on blue sky days, the other three were taken during stormy conditions. It goes to show that chasing epic light is not what’s important, but instead paying attention to how the light interacts with the landscape to capture “the decisive moment” as Henri Cartier-Bresson once said.
Also of note is that most of these images were taken between 50-150mm focal length, only three were with a wide angle, and these were pointing straight down at the subject, not to create an exaggerated foreground as is traditional. My mid-range and telephoto lenses have certainly become my favorites, as is the case with many of my respected peers.
I promise the photos are coming soon! One more important note was that my post-processing methods and style has changed dramatically. I experimented heavily, learned from others, and eventually came up with my own weird method of processing. I’ll go more in-depth into this in another post, but essentially I found a way to produce the vision I had in my head of very moody images that do not look over-processed. I hope you enjoy my new vision which will surely continue its evolution.