
This blog features my latest image releases, including a photo stream updated nearly daily. You'll also find new photo ebooks and inspirational posts here. Subscribe to receive weekly updates with fresh, inspiring imagery and stay connected with my photographic journey.

Latest Photo Stream

Welcome to my Photo Stream, where I'll be sharing new images nearly every day. While I'm stepping back from frequent social media posts, I'm excited to make this space the primary showcase for my latest work...

2024: A Year of Photographic Adventures and Unforgettable Moments
December 27, 2024

What a year 2024 has been! Another 365 days filled with incredible photographic opportunities, personal growth, and unforgettable experiences. Instead of just sharing my usual curated photo collections, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the whirlwind of adventures Jennifer and I embarked on this past year...

The Winter of Wonders: Death Valley 2023-2024
November 11, 2024  |  Death Valley National Park

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a season as creatively fulfilling as the winter of 2023-2024 in Death Valley. The conditions were nothing short of phenomenal, gifting me with nearly 250 images that ignited my passion...

Winter Wonder - Images from Yellowstone in Winter 2024
January 30, 2024  |  Yellowstone National Park

I am thrilled to unveil my newest photographic journey, encapsulated in a carefully curated PDF portfolio. This digital presentation is crafted to mirror the experience of leafing through an elegant coffee table book. Each image is displayed in a manner that truly honors my artistic vision

23 Images from 2023
January 1, 2024

Wait a minute, where did 2023 go? It's been a whirlwind year, indeed. Life, as it unfolds, brought its share of tragedy, trials, and many moments of sheer joy. As the adage goes, 'without darkness, there is no light,' and this year profoundly embodied that sentiment...

New Fall Images from Yellowstone and Grand Tetons
October 18, 2023  |  Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

For numerous nature photographers, including ourselves, autumn often beckons us to the vibrant landscapes of Colorado. The state unfurls a grand tapestry of golden aspen set against craggy mountain backdrops, presenting a spectacle that's hard to rival...

LensWork Featured Project
August 3, 2023

I am beyond thrilled to announce that I have my first featured project in the esteemed LensWork magazine. I was introduced to LensWork many years ago, and it has always been a dream of mine to have a project published in what I consider to be the most important fine art photography publication of our time...

100 Photos of 2022
January 1, 2023

2022 proved to be an extremely busy yet productive year for me. I created some of my favorite images to date, but we have been photographing so much that I fell behind on my post-processing, WAY behind...

Learning to Love Yellowstone
April 26, 2022  |  Yellowstone National Park

One of the most undervalued aspects of creative nature photography is connecting with your subject. Yes, most of us enjoy being out in nature, but how often do we really slow down to connect with our surroundings? In today's high-paced society, we rarely have time to slow down and smell the flowers...

2021 Year End Recap
Dec 21, 2021

It has become a bit of a tradition for many photographers to share their top 10 or so photos from the past year, which I have been doing as well. This year I felt the need to do things a bit differently...

Goodbye 2020
December 31, 2020

Well, we have almost made it through 2020. In many ways, this has been the worst year of my life. It's been filled with tragic loss, anxiety, and filled with unknowns. More importantly, though, it has also been filled with learning and growth to survive these troubled times...

Favorite Photos from 2019
December 31, 2019

This year was an interesting one for photography as I've had many ups and downs. I feel as though I am refining my vision in many areas, starting with how I photograph in the field, to how I process my photos...

A Long Overdue Update
April 29, 2018

It has been over two years since I have written an update on my life and what progress I have made. I am not exactly sure why I stopped writing, most likely I wrote more in the past out of loneliness...

How I completely changed my life in 1 year
January 01, 2013

Every new year we look to the future and decide this is the year for change. Change how we eat, start working out, learn something new, change careers, be healthier and happier. But where do we start? Most of us have come to accept that new years resolutions typically do not work, I've never been a fan of them...

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